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Writer's pictureS Patel - Founder ELS

Our First Blog

Updated: Mar 19, 2021

So, here we are. Our first blog to the world.

We all at ELS are super excited for this day, as we are publishing this very first blog on our website and have gone live on the world wide web with full enthusiasm to do something great for humanity.

I would like to share this story about ELS and how I thought to start on this journey.

I grew up in a culture that highly values serving people. Respecting elderly and supporting people in need, is my upbringing and hence an integral part of my value system.

Understanding of my existence and what i want to do with my life became more clearer in year 2010, when I lost my Grand Father. I was a University student, busy studying in those days. I couldn't spent time supporting him in his last stages of life due to my busy schedule.


It was a very sad feeling for me, making me re-question my existence. This led me to perceive a Vision for my life and that was to support people who are frail aged and people with special needs - "A prayer I made while I embarked my first overseas Journey for studies".


With the passing of time - my desire to contribute and support humanity grew stronger and i worked hard to nourish and nurture my thoughts. Alongside studying and working in disability and aged care sector, I was actively finding opportunities to volunteer and to freely support local community people, people with disabilities and seniors in my own time.

Excelling in the area of Aged Care and Disability and having gained knowledge, wisdom and experience in leading people and teams, I learnt to transform my thoughts in to reality.


​In March 2013 the NDIS legislation was passed and the NDIS Act 2013 was formed, with the establishment of the Scheme and the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). NDIS was a radical change introduced to Australians, reinvigorating our perceptions for disability and giving people with disability the total freedom, choice and control.

As NDIS started rolling out through its trial sites, I realised that my dream and passion to support people was perfectly aligning to the principles and promises that NDIS was making. I was sure at that time, being ready for a good change in my life and that was to start ELS. My friends supported me, and fed the needed confidence and I am very thankful to all my friends.


​As i progressed in my venture with ELS, i met people who were like minded and formed our team. We all are very passionate about valuing and serving people. Each of them has a story to tell with a humble heart and a great attitude to serve.

As they say - "A good start is all that is needed - God creates the way"


Our Journey continues...

Today, I am proud to post this story for ELS, with a strong desire to work towards a bright future for ELS and with a good hope that we will bring the ELS vision alive.

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