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Our Founding Story

ELS - My new beginning...


I grew up in a culture that highly values serving people. Respecting the elderly and supporting people in need, is my upbringing and hence an integral part of my value system.


The purpose of my life became clearer to me in the year 2010 when I lost my Grand Father. In those days, I was a University student and spent an enormous time studying. I couldn't spend much time supporting my Grand Father at the last stages of his life.


It was an immensely sad feeling for me, that made me re-question my existence. I perceived a Vision, that was to support people who are elderly and people with special needs - "A prayer I made while I embarked my first overseas Journey for studies".


With the passing of time - my desire to contribute and support humanity grew. I worked hard and have nurtured my thoughts and feelings to live the rest of my life caring for people. Alongside studying and working in the disability and aged care sector, I was actively finding opportunities to volunteer and to freely support the local community, people with disabilities, and seniors.


Excelling in the area of Aged Care and Disability and having gained knowledge, wisdom, and experience in leading people and teams, I learned to transform my thoughts into reality. 



In March 2013 the NDIS legislation was passed and the NDIS Act 2013 was formed, with the establishment of the Scheme and the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). NDIS was a radical change introduced to Australians, reinvigorating our perceptions of disability and giving people with disabilities total freedom, choice, and control.


As NDIS started rolling out through its trial sites, I realized that my dream and passion to support people was perfectly aligned to the principles and promises that NDIS was making. I was ready to embrace the change and support it, which led me to start a new venture and that is ELS Disability Services



As I progressed on my journey to supporting people with disabilities and frail aged, I met like-minded people as support staff members who are equally passionate and value serving to the community very high. Each of us has a story to tell with a humble heart and a great attitude to serve.


As they say - "A good start is all that is needed - God creates the way"


Our Journey continues...


Today, I am proud to post this story for ELS, with a strong desire to work towards a bright future for all our clients and members and with a good hope that we will bring the ELS vision alive.                                                   


Author - Shoeb Patel

Founder - Envisioning Life Supports

Photo of ELS Principal

Shoeb describes himself as -


A Visionary and a highly established professional in Disability & Aged Care service sector, having a strong academic background in Aged Care Management, Business studies and General Management.


Highly Skilled in Not-for-profit’s Administration, Business & Finance, Audit compliance, Project management, Volunteer Management and Mentoring teams. 


Extremely passionate about creating a society that includes, values and amplifies the voice of people with disabilities and Frail aged.


Interested in developing ambitious service delivery models and sustainable organisational structures in public health sector. 

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