NDIS Plan Review is a very important event for ndis participants each or every second year in their journey with ndis. It is the time when you will be talking to your NDIS planner face to face or online or over the phone to discuss your needs and support requirements and maybe a review of your current or future ndis goals.
Typically, a plan review falls every 12 months or two years after your NDIS plan has started. You will hear from NDIS six-week prior plan expiry for the review however if you do not hear from NDIS then ring 1800 800 110. If you are near to your plan expiry and have not heard from NDIA planner or still waiting for someone to ring you back after you made the contact to helpline, dont worry as almost all the plans do get rolled over automatically with the existing funding, until you have a review meeting and a plan to change any of your existing ndis funding.
It is sometimes hard to keep track of time and easy to forget important deadlines. We suggest, writing the expiry date somewhere safe as soon as you receive your new plan. You can also chat with your support coordinator (if you have one) or your LAC (if you know one) to know about your plan expiry date or the review process deadlines. You may start preparing for your plan review a minimum of 6 weeks prior to your plan review date so that it can give you ample time to plan things for your next plan review.
During Covid, it was very hectic and we were receiving many phone calls from ndis participants not knowing what to do as they are approaching a plan review and/or if they are going to have a plan review and what to do.
We guide them and also point them to the NDIS website. NDIS made some easy videos and animations to explain what to expect and how would be your plan reviewed. These video links are pasted at the end.
So to make it even easier, we thought to make the below simple infographic for participants and family. This table shows a visual summary of the next steps or processes for plan review.
Also, below are some useful weblinks for videos made by NDIS on -
The plan review can be available from this youtube link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWePI6aZ4zU
“Will my plan review be different to last time” relating to Covid 19 change and it is available from the youtube link - https://youtu.be/7uXSruNHzgA
Written by – Shoeb Patel