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Writer's pictureS Patel - Founder ELS

Demystifying the NDIS Pace System: What You Need to Know

Updated: Sep 5, 2024

how does the ndis pace system work

There has been a lot discussed about NDIA's new computer system, PACE. As PACE-ready providers, ELS Disability Services supports participants to know more about the PACE system.  

PACE will be explained in detail in this article, as well as a list of most common questions for NDIS participants and service providers!


What would the PACE system do? 

The NDIA introduced PACE in order to upgrade their older portal system to improve the overall quality of the NDIS online service.

Participants, their families, and carers will benefit from the new system as it aims to improve the NDIS experience. 

When will PACE start? 

PACE is expected to roll out over an 18-month period starting in October 2023. 

What do I need to do to start with PACE? 

Participants don't need to do anything.

For NDIS plans coming up for review, you will automatically be switched to the new system plans called PACE plans. More details below -

Existing participants - Any participants changing their plans will be moved to the new PACE system from 30th October onwards.  

The transition to PACE will not occur for those with an existing plan who do not need any changes to their plan or have received an auto rollover letter from NDIA.  

Participants new to the scheme (having their first NDIS plan made) – All new participants will be set up on PACE starting October 31st.  

You'll receive communication from the NDIS, and if you are receiving support from ELS disability services we'll provide support and guidance as well. 

What would not change in PACE?

PACE will not change everything. The following things will stay the same as in the previous NDIS system: 

  • No changes to your support (although it may have a new name). 

  • The fundamental structure of NDIS Plans is not changing except the look may change slightly.

  • Support item numbers. 

  • The NDIS Act 

  • The providers registration process 

  • Service provider compliance requirements to Practice Standards

What changes will NDIS PACE system bring? 

PACE will bring some updates to support types and categories, as well as how the NDIA interacts with participants. 

You will only see these changes once you move to PACE. 

The NDIS has made three changes to the types and categories of support 

Change 1 

Besides Core, Capacity, and Capital, the NDIA will include recurring transport support category for PACE participants. The category will be self-managed and designed specifically for regular transport payments. 

Change 2 

In addition, five new categories will be introduced: 

Two new categories of core support have been added: 

  • Home and living. 

  • Young people in residential aged care (YPIRAC), however, this is an NDIA managed category. 

There are two new categories of capital supports: 

  • Assistive technology, maintenance, repair and replacement. 

  • Specialised Disability Accommodation (SDA). 

One new category is included in Capacity Building: 

  • Behaviour support. 

Note: All five new categories will be referred to as 'stated supports,' which are funds that are not flexible. 

Change 3 

The NDIA will also be updating the names of five existing categories, all of which fall under Capacity Building. 

  • Support coordination will be named Support coordination and psychosocial recovery coach 

  • Improved relationships will be referred to as Relationships 

  • Improved health and wellbeing will be referred to as Health and wellbeing 

  • Improved learning will be referred to as lifelong learning 

  • Improved life choices will be named Choice and control. This is the category from which plan managers are paid.

Has the NDIS Plan Management process changed?  

Old process 

As your plan manager, we will have a service agreement that outlines our responsibilities and commitments. 

New PACE process 

While you will still have an agreement with us under the new PACE system, you will also have to 'endorse' service providers directly through the NDIA, which includes plan management and support coordination services (this means that we are directly told by the NDIA that you chose us!). 

This needs to be completed in two scenarios as below: 

  • Plan management and support coordination will be endorsed by the participant during the initial signup stage. OR

  • Each time a participant starts a new plan, they must confirm they wish to continue using our services and endorse us again. 

With PACE, there are new changes to NDIA system and processes 

  1. You will be contacted annually by the NDIA for 'Participant Check-ins' to see how your plan is going. 

  1. Only if your new plan differs from your current plan will you be required to attend a meeting. 

  1. You can now participate in optional plan implementation meetings, which will help you get your plan off to a good start. You can choose whether or not to participate in these meetings. 

For providers, there is more visibility 

When a provider has the appropriate consent, PACE will make it easier for them to access a participant's plan. Providers will be able to view participant goals and nominee information. It will be possible for plan managers to see the parts of a plan they are responsible for. 

Do you want to switch from another disability service provider to ELS Disability Services? 

You won't have to inform your existing plan manager of your decision to switch to ELS Disability Services starting October 31 under PACE. You can change your plan managers by contacting the NDIA directly, endorsing ELS Disability Services, and you will be switched over immediately! 

Below are some answers to your PACE questions! 

How will I know if I’m on the PACE system? 

New participants will be notified that they're on PACE during their planning meeting. if still unsure you can find out if you're on PACE by calling the plan manager or support coordinator.

Is my dashboard going to look different for my plan? 

Yes, there will be some slight formatting changes when you log in to your portal/Dashboard, for example, colour and shading. 

Does ELS Disability Services currently provide support to anyone on PACE?  

Yes, we currently support PACE customers!  

Our team is PACE ready and has experience with the new system. 

Are there any changes to how I receive funding? 

In PACE, it is said that the NDIA will release funds at certain intervals for plans more than 2 years long. For example, NDIS participants with a four-year plan may have their funds released every 12 months.

Can funds be rolled over under PACE? 

If an NDIS participant has already a new plan under the PACE system; and should the plan is rolled over in the subsequent year, similar to the past system, any unspent funding will be rolled over to the following plan. 

How can a service provider be endorsed by a participant?  

A participant or nominee can endorse a provider in two ways: 

  1. You can contact the NDIA National Call Centre at 1800 800 110 and ask them to endorse the provider. OR

  1. Notify your Local Area Coordinator that you would like to endorse the provider.  

As a PACE participant, do I need to endorse ELS Disability Services? 

When you join the PACE system, you will need to endorse ELS Disability Services for Plan Management and Support Coordination (if applicable). 

If a participant changes plans managers, what happens? 

Participants may contact the NDIA directly to change plan managers, and they will be switched to their chosen service provider immediately without notice. 

Is my dashboard going to look different with PACE? 

Yes, there will be some slight formatting changes when you log in to your portal/Dashboard, for example, colour and shading. 

Is there a way for providers to find out if a participant is on the PACE system? 

In order to determine if a participant is on PACE, a provider has several options. 

  1. If you attempt to submit a single claim payment request, you will receive an error message. This message informs you that your customer has switched to the new system and the steps a provider need to take next. 

  2. There will be an end date for any existing service bookings in the 'myplace' provider portal report. 

  1. For that customer, you will not be able to create a service booking in the old 'myplace' provider portal. 

For providers, what does the removal of single claims mean? 

As participants' plans move to PACE, providers will no longer have access to the single line-item claim functionality in 'myplace'. 

It is expected that providers will be able to reduce transactional requirements by bulk uploading claims for PACE participants. Bulk uploads can include a single line. 

In order to make claims, use the Bulk Payment Request template, and submit them through the 'My Place' portal using the same service and support information as before. 

It might be a good idea for providers to adjust their business practices to make all claims submitted via the bulk upload process. 

TIP: It is not necessary for providers to know whether participants have an NDIS plan in PACE if they use the Bulk Payment Request template. Also if you are using the template and receiving an error while uploading it to the portal, make sure the date format of your computer is set to YYYY-MM-DD.

What is the new request for service process? 

By using the NDIA's request for service form, participants can connect with support coordinators. Information about the participant's goals, needs, and circumstances is included in the request for service. 

What are reporting templates? 

For support coordinators and psychosocial recovery coaches, the NDIA is introducing new reporting templates.  

Reporting templates have been developed to help standardise provider reports and capture consistent information so that NDIA planners can prepare for check-ins with participants and plan reassessments. 

It will now be necessary to submit these reports by providers through Myplace.


How does the new 'my NDIS' provider portal work? 

There are differences between the new 'my NDIS' and the old 'myplace' provider portal. 

Using the 'my NDIS' provider portal is only required if the provider is working with a participant with a PACE NDIS plan. 

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