NDIS Transport
Transport is an important aspect of everyday life for all.
For people with disabilities, good transport means a lot. It gives you flexibility and support while you travel to your place of work, participate in the community and attend your day program support.
We ensure that our drivers safely transport you, as we check their driving history, expertise, and experience as they drive you in a good safe vehicle.
How do transport and funding work in NDIS?
In NDIS, an eligible participant or a person with a disability receives funding for transport assistance if he is unable to use public transport due to their disability. Transport funding takes into account any relevant taxi subsidy scheme, and it does not cover transport assistance for carers to transport their family member with a disability for everyday commitments.
Also, the participant transport arrangements are different to travel for providers of support.
Expected levels of transport support
There are three different levels of transport assistance. Based on the needs of a person with a disability, three tiers are used to provide a transport budget for participants.
Level 1 - The participant receives up to $1,606 per year who are not working, studying, or attending day programs but are seeking to enhance their community access.
Level 2 - The participant receives up to $2,472 per year who are currently working or studying part-time (up to 15 hours a week), participating in day programs, and for other social, recreational, or leisure activities.
Level 3 - The participant receives up to $3,456 per year who are currently working, looking for work, or studying, at least 15 hours a week, and are unable to use public transport because of their disability.
Exceptional circumstances: participants may receive higher funding if they participant has either general or funded support in their plan to enable their participation in employment.

What type of disability transport do we provide
We provide you the Travel/Transport service as a packaged service with other supports that you may be receiving from us or it can be a stand-alone service. This is to ensure you are transported to access social activities or visits to medical appointments, or for your educational, recreational, and vocational purposes.
We can provide you with the travel from and back to your place of residence with the comfort and flexibility you expect. We ensure that the vehicle providing you with the service is equipped with utmost safety and is spacious to provide you with a satisfying experience.
This disability support will be provided by the means of either a normal vehicle only.
How we provide it
We will ensure that the person driving you is a skilled and safe driver
We will also ensure that the car is a neat and tidy vehicle. Something you would like to be driven in.